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Southern Highlands Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Southern Highlands organiser on: 2021-02-16

This is an event for environmentally-minded Highlanders who meet for a monthly drink to socialise, network and explore collaborations.

About this Event
Southern Highlands Green Drinks  is a monthly event for socialising and professional networking, created for those interested in environmental sustainability and eco-efficiency.

SH Green Drinks is your must-attend monthly hub for meeting other people doing important things, and learning about other events happening around the Southern Highlands of NSW.

Essentially, the aim is to be a social think-tank with the environment as the common denominator. Green Drinks are agenda-free and non-politically aligned. Individuals from businesses, not-for-profits, government, academia, and community groups welcome, as well as those with personal projects!

Date: the first Thursday of each month.

Venue: Eden Brewery, Mittagong

RSVP: Not required, but handy as a memory-jogger.

Cost: Free entry, pay for own drinks.

Start time: 5:30 pm until whenever. Arrive at a time that suits you.

Sixty Second Soapbox:  At 6:00 pm, we pause the room's freeform conversations for the Sixty Second Soapbox. Each person, if they choose, will have the opportunity to speak for up to 60 seconds (mercilessly enforced!) This is a great way to share information about upcoming events, to find collaborators for projects, or to share interesting news.

Who's Who in the Zoo: On arrival add your name, passion and contact details (not optional) to facilitate growing our local networks.


To contact the organiser with a question/request not covered by this page, email cecilia.kemp@wsc.nsw.gov.au.